When is it Time to Revisit a Child Support Arrangement?

Do you have child support arrangements that remain in effect from past custody and visitation disputes? If so, you may want to revisit them. Most child support arrangements are legal for as much as 20 years unless a parent petitions to have the agreement terminated, in which case a court hearing is required. Parents often think that once their child’s support arrangement has been finalized, there is nothing else to worry about. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. Child support arrangements can be revisited and adjusted at any time if either party feels the current arrangement is not working for them. This is especially true if there has been a change in circumstances that justifies adjusting child support: a change in job, remarriage, marriage separation or divorce, or the relocation of one or both parents.

Child support agreements are in place to ensure that both parents provide financial and medical support to their children. When one parent stops paying child support, it can affect the child’s well-being.

Here are some reasons it may be time to revisit your child support agreement.

Increase or decrease in income

The obligation to collect child support is one of the most important duties of parents. When parents are not meeting their child’s support obligations, it can have a significant impact on the child and the child’s other parent. The obligation of a parent to support their children does not end with the end of a relationship.

After a divorce, many couples find that their financial situations have drastically changed. Income levels, for example, may change following the divorce, which can impact how many children support the parent-paying child support can afford. Since child support is monetary, it can be changed based on the couple’s financial situation, if that’s necessary. For child support to become accurate, both spouses will need to show the court proof of their family’s current income, and the receiving parent will need to show proof that the paying parent is withholding too much child support or paying too much.


After a child support order has been established, many people assume that any issues arising between themselves and their ex will die or go away. Unfortunately, that’s not true, and issues can arise from time to time, especially when one or both of the parents no longer live in the same state. While these changes may be temporary, changes that include the incarceration of a parent may alter a child support arrangement and the way it’s enforced. For this reason, it’s important for anyone with an ex who is being held in jail or prison to be aware of their rights regarding child support and enforce payment of past-due child support.

Minor New Needs 

Supporters of child support all agree that a child whose parents are separated should have what they need. The issue exists, however, when a child is in serious financial trouble and needs financial support from both parents. In that case, the child support agreement must change. A child support agreement can be modified based on a substantial change in circumstances. Actions must be brought to court, and the court determines whether a substantial change is in the child’s interest.

Custody battles are hard to go through. Emotions run high, and the courtroom can become a place of hostility, yelling, and insults. But there can be a more amicable way through, especially for those with minors. Children have an interest in maintaining a relationship with both parents, and they need both parents’ help in meeting their needs. Child custody agreements can be made to allow the child to maintain a relationship with both parents while also meeting the child’s needs.

New Children

When going through a divorce, child support is usually a contentious issue. The goal is to ensure the children have access to the best possible emotional and financial support. While neither child support nor child custody is set in stone by law, they are typically determined based on agreements between parents. In most cases, child support is calculated based on a number of factors, including the number of kids involved and both parents’ respective earnings.

Every time a new child is born, a child support update is required. If, for example, you are paying support to one child when you are expecting your second child, you will need to update your child support arrangement to reflect the additional child. The process varies from state to state but is generally as simple as filling out a form and providing proof of the new child’s birth. Child support must be equal to a child’s financial and emotional needs.